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School News
Stay up to date with the latest Shark News!

Dec 6, 2021
Giving Tuesday goal was blown out of the water!!!
Dear Perry families, teachers, and staff, On behalf of the Friends of the Perry School, thank you so much for the outpouring of support...

Oct 4, 2021
Updates from the Superintendent- masking, testing, tutoring & transportation
September 30, 2021 Dear BPS Families, I hope that the school year is off to a strong start. I’ve been able to greet many students and...

Jul 23, 2021
District Updates from the Superintendent
July 23, 2021 Dear Boston Public Schools Community: I hope you are all enjoying a happy and healthy summer. I am writing to provide a few...

Jun 1, 2021
Our First Graders!
Check out our first graders singing their welcome song!

Apr 26, 2021
May Breakfast and Lunch Menus
May breakfast and lunch menus are here!

Mar 29, 2021
15% of the Perry students are participating in pool testing
As of today, only 15% of our students have consented to participating in pool testing. If you have not submitted the consent form to...

Mar 24, 2021
5 days of in-person learning will begin on Monday, April 26
Dear Boston Public Schools Families: I hope you are staying safe and healthy and enjoying the warmer weather. I am writing to provide a...

Jan 11, 2021

Dec 3, 2020
March 29th Shark Shout Outs!
Weekly Shark Shoutouts from the week ending March 26th! Shout out to Adiel in Ms. Kelly’s class for being an active participant...

Nov 1, 2020
Mr. Macchi's Fall update
Hi Everyone, As we wrap up October, I wanted to take a moment to check in and reflect on the work that we have been doing as a community...

Oct 21, 2020
All students will be remotely learning, effective tomorrow
October 21, 2020 Dear Boston Public Schools Community: This morning, the Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) released data showing the...

Oct 19, 2020
The start of in-person hybrid learning is further delayed
As of October 16, 2020, students in Grades K0 - 3 will now start in-person learning no sooner than October 29.

Oct 7, 2020
Letter from Superintendent Cassellius delaying hybrid start for K0-12
October 7, 2020 Dear Boston Public Schools Community: Throughout our planning for the fall, Mayor Walsh and I have remained firmly...

Oct 6, 2020
$50 Staples Gift Cards
Staples has donated one $50 gift card for EVERY STUDENT at the Perry! These must be used in store BEFORE 11/30 and in one purchase. The...
Sep 18, 2020
Welcome Back!
Our staff has been hard at work preparing for the launch of school this coming Monday, September 21st. At this time, your child's...
Aug 31, 2020
August Reopening Meeting Update
If you missed Mr. Macchi's reopening Zoom meeting you can still view the slide show.

Aug 21, 2020
First day of School will be September 21, 2020 and all students will be remote
All BPS students will begin the school year learning remotely on Monday, September 21, followed by a phase-in of the hybrid model.
Jun 3, 2020
A response to nationwide events from Mr. Rose and Mr. Macchi
Engaging in difficult conversations and confronting harsh realities lie ahead. This work will be challenging and it must be a priority....

May 14, 2020
Restructuring at the Perry
Perry will transition to a K-6 school As we continue to work hard to educate all of our students, we are also planning for the 2020-21...
May 2, 2020
A letter from Principal Macchi
" I wanted to take this opportunity to express what an honor and a privilege it is to be the next principal of the Perry School. " Dear...
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