Dear Families of the Perry K - 6 School,
We are very excited to announce that earlier today the Perry was named a School of Recognition by the State of Massachusetts based on our school’s MCAS performance during the 2022 - 23 school year. Schools of Recognition are honored for demonstrating high achievement and high growth and meeting or exceeding targets for progress. This recognition was earned by just 66 schools across the Commonwealth (out of over 1700 public schools).
Over the past year, the Perry’s accountability percentile rose from the 29th percentile to the 67th percentile in the state. Likewise, our average scaled score rose approximately 10 points in both Math and ELA to 503 overall in both subjects.
We want to thank all of our fantastic families for all of their hard work to support our students and our school community! We also of course want to celebrate our entire Perry Team, who really dug in, worked together, and were determined to accelerate our progress. They truly are the best team in Boston! Finally and most importantly, we want to honor our amazing students – this is an amazing recognition of their effort throughout the 2022 - 23 school year.
Onward and upward – there’s still plenty of work to do! But, we wanted to share this good news with you – thank you!
The Perry K - 6 Team