Good Morning Fantastic Families of the Perry K - 6,
We hope you and your family are doing well and that you are having an absolutely wonderful summer!! As we are now just under a month away from the start of the school year, we wanted to reach out with a few quick updates:
Fall Return Updates:
Thursday, September 5th: First day of school for grades 1 - 6
Monday, September 9th: First day of school for K0, K1, K2
Boston Public Schools Calendar: please see the BPS Calendar here.
Arrival begins at 9:15 AM each morning, and Dismissal begins at 4:00 PM.
Additional Key Upcoming Dates:
K0, K1, and K2 Welcome Session: Friday, September 6th at 9:45 AM in the Perry Schoolyard
Perry Fall Family Open House: Thursday, October 10th from 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Before/After School Program:
If interested in signing your child up for before/after school programming, please take a few minutes to fill out this interest form: Perry Before/After School Interest Form. Please also see additional information and the full application attached. For any additional questions, please reach out directly to Ms. Bonnie (our outstanding school secretary and before/ after school director) at
Team Updates:
As we enter the 2024 - 25 school year, we are excited to announce a few amazing new additions to the Perry Team!
Ms. Emma Yagaloff will be joining us as our new K0 / K1 teacher in September 2024. Ms. Yagaloff has been teaching for the past three years at UP Academy Dorchester as a K1 inclusion teacher and previously for two years as a K2 multilingual learners classroom teacher. Ms. Yagaloff received the Excellence in Teaching Award in 2021. Before that, she served for one year as a first grade teacher in Cambridge Public Schools. Ms. Yagaloff has both a BA in Elementary Education and a Masters in Early Childhood Education from Boston College.
We are also very excited that Ms. Katie Weafer will be returning to the Perry Team as one of our K1 teachers and Ms. Amy Barrows will be returning in her role as the K2 - 2 Intellectual Program Teacher.
Perry Reads This Summer!!
We know it’s not easy to continue the momentum of reading during the summer (with all of the competing distractions)… but we hope that all families can get back into the habit (or continue the habit) of reading on a daily basis as we head through the final month of summer. Reading for just 20 minutes a day can make a huge difference in staving off “summer learning loss” and ensuring that your child continues to grow their reading skills. For returning families, please remember to make sure to encourage your child to finish the books that we sent home for summer in June. Happy Summer Reading!!
Building Availability:
As a reminder, the Perry continues to be used by the Leahy - Holloran Community Center Summer Programming until August 21st (final day of their camp is August 16th). We (as a staff) will have very limited access to the Perry until that time. For logistical questions, please reach out via email to Ms. Bonnie or myself, as we will not have access to the school phones during this time.
Uniform Information:
For information on The Perry uniform policy, please see Perry Uniform Expectations. If you need any assistance in acquiring uniforms, please reach out to our fantastic family coordinator, Ms. Sasha Canzater at
Transportation and Arrival/ Dismissal Information:
Bus assignments for the fall are typically sent out directly by BPS in late August, so please look for that as we approach the start of school. BPS will be adopting a new Transportation app called Zum starting this fall that hopefully will be easier to use and provide more reliable updates in real-time – more information to come on that front. For families dropping off their students or walking to school, arrival and dismissal take place in our Schoolyard in the back of the school (along East 8th Street).
We hope you continue to have a wonderful summer with family and friends over the next month. We are looking forward to the start of another great school year in September! We will be in touch next week with start-of-the-year welcome letters from teachers as well as supply lists, so please be on the lookout.
Thank you so very much for your incredible support of the Perry K - 6 Community!
The Perry K - 6 Team