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Summer Update #2

Perry School

Good Afternoon Fantastic Families of the Perry K - 6,

We hope that this letter finds you and your family doing well and that everybody had a wonderful summer!! We are extremely excited to get started very soon! Please see a few key updates below as we get ready to launch another amazing year at the Perry K - 6.

Fall Return Updates:

● Thursday, September 5th: First day of school for grades 1 - 6

● Monday, September 9th: First day of school for K0, K1, K2

● Boston Public Schools Calendar: please see the BPS Calendar here.

● Arrival begins at 9:15 AM each morning, and Dismissal begins at 4:00 PM.

Additional Key Upcoming Dates:

● K0, K1, and K2 Welcome Session: Friday, September 6th at 9:45 AM in the Perry


● Perry Fall Family Open House: Thursday, October 10th from 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

Kindergarten Welcome Session

As noted above, our Kindergarten Kickoff Welcome Session will take place on Friday, September 6th in the Schoolyard at 9:45 AM. This will be a chance to meet the teaching team, meet other students and families, and get ready for the first day of school.

Citywide Kindergarten Celebration at Boston Children's Museum: Friday, Sept. 6th

(Note: Only For Students Entering Kindergarten For The First Time)

FROM BPS: Mark your calendars! Please join the Citywide Kindergarten Celebration at the

Boston Children's Museum on the evening of Friday, September 6th. If interested, please see more information here: Countdown To Kindergarten

Perry Welcome Back Meeting (All Grades)

● We will hold a quick Welcome Back Meeting for families (from all grades) on Tuesday

morning, September 3rd at 9:00 AM via zoom. We will cover back-to-school topics and take

questions as we get ready to launch an amazing year of learning at the Perry! We hope you

can join us. If not, no worries – we will be sure to continue to get all information out by email

as well.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 885 2282 6874

2024 - 25 Emergency Forms

● At your earliest convenience, please complete the following Emergency Form with the

necessary student information for each child that attends the Perry. This will only be shared

internally with teachers who work directly with your child.

Before/After School Program

● If interested in signing your child up for before/after school programming, please take a few minutes to fill out this interest form: Perry Before/After School Interest Form. Please also

see additional information and the full application attached. For any additional questions,

please reach out directly to Ms. Bonnie (our outstanding school secretary and before/ after

school director) at

First Day of School Info:

● If dropping off/ walking on Opening Day on Thursday, September 5th, please meet us in the Perry Schoolyard in back of the school to find your teacher and get the day started. We will also follow the same process for Kindergarten Opening Day on Monday, September 9th.

Transportation Information for 2024 - 25:

● Bus assignments should be arriving this week if you have not already received them. For

any transportation challenges or questions, please contact BPS Transportation at 617 635 -

9520. You can also go to the BPS Transportation Online Support Portal for assistance. If

you are unable to get appropriate assistance, please do let us know – we are happy to help

the best we can!

● Additionally, BPS will be using ZUM as an online platform for tracking school buses this year. Please see the ZUM Welcome Letter to Families from BPS linked here. Hopefully, this will improve the tracking of buses for families and provide more reliable information.

Uniform Information:

● For information on The Perry uniform policy, please see Perry Uniform Expectations.

Update From The Nurse’s Office

Please the following Welcome Letter from our superstar school nurse, Ms. Taryn Donovan:

BPS Adopts Parent Square

BPS will be using ParentSquare instead of School Messenger this year (you likely received some emails directly from the district about this). The Perry used School Messenger sparingly, so this should not have too much of an impact for us (and when we did, we would also send out the same message via Talking Points). If we do send something out using ParentSquare, it will go right to the email(s) that you have on file with the school -- no action needed on your part. TalkingPoints is not impacted and will continue to be the primary means of communication from most teachers and from the school.

Perry Reads This Summer!!

For all returning students/ families from K2 to 6: there’s still time for your child to read the summer books they brought home in June. As we approach the start of the year, getting your child back in the habit of reading on a daily basis can make a big difference in making sure they get off to a successful start this year!

We look forward to seeing you all very soon!

The Perry K - 6 Team


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Good Morning Fantastic Families of the Perry K - 6 , We hope you and your family are doing well and that you are having an absolutely...

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Oliver Hazard Perry School

© Copyright 2020. All rights reserved.

Images contributed by John Zinter

Contact Us

745 E Seventh St

South Boston, MA 02127

Tel: (617) 635-8840

School Hours

Hours: 9:30-4:10

Doors open and breakfast 

begins at 9:15 am.

Dismissal begins at 4pm

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